Take part in CAUSINDY 2014


Interested in shaping the bilateral relationship of tomorrow? Applications to become a delegate to the 2014 Conference of Australian and Indonesian Youth are now open!

Conference delegates will have the opportunity to connect with current and future leaders in the bilateral relationship — including experts, commentators, and like-minded young people. Read about last year’s conference.

You’ll work with leaders from business, government and academia across an extensive four-day conference program. What are you waiting for?

Submit your application →

Applications to take part in CAUSINDY 2014 closed on Monday, July 7.

CAUSINDY 2014 will be held from the 14th to the 17th of September. Applications will close on the 1st of July, 2014. Don’t forget that if you’re not quite ready to apply, it’s easy to join our mailing list!

Frequently Asked Questions

Applications · Travel and logistics · About CAUSINDY · Other questions


How do I apply? What happens next?

Applying through our website is as simple as filling in the forms, addressing the selection criteria, and sharing some basic personal information. Make sure you include a current email address and phone number, so we can contact you with any further questions or feedback on your application.

We’ll email you back to confirm receipt of your application, and keep you informed as the delegate selection process continues.

When will applications close?

Applications for CAUSINDY 2014 are open until the 1st of July, 2014. The application deadline has been extended to midnight on July 7.

What are the key selection criteria for CAUSINDY 2014?

As a premier bilateral event that has attracted the support of national governments, and tier-1 university and corporate partners, CAUSINDY is aimed at future leaders in Australia-Indonesia bilateral relationship. The key selection criteria include:

  • Outstanding leadership qualities;
  • Superior academic achievement;
  • Superior performance in their chosen profession;
  • A demonstrated commitment to the Australia – Indonesia relationship, for example through academic or language studies, in-country experience, participation in the bilateral discourse; and
  • Most importantly: your age – between 21-35 years of age.

If you think you would be an important addition to the conference but you somehow fit outside our criteria, we’re interested to hear how and why you should be a party. Please apply and let us know your case for selection.

I’m younger than the age range you described — can I apply?

Because places are limited, it is likely that successful candidates will need to strongly satisfy all of the criteria above – this may mean some experience working full-time, in addition to completing a bachelor/S1 degree, as well as an ability to demonstrate leadership qualities and commitment to the bilateral relationship through your occupation or extra-curricular activities.

If you think you might be a future candidate for CAUSINDY, there’s no rush — we’re now in our second year, and plan to run the conference on a regular basis.

Do you require full written references to be provided with my application?

If you have written statements from your references, you’re welcome to include them with your application — just include them in PDF format in the same document as your CV.

If you do not have any written references to hand, you are welcome to include your two referees in the body of your CV including position, organisation and contact details.

Travel and Logistics

Are there any costs associated with applying for CAUSINDY?

No — applying to CAUSINDY has no financial cost.

CAUSINDY endeavours to cover all major costs for delegates to attend the conference, and last year’s attendees were able to attend at minimal personal cost.

However, applicants should expect to have some costs associated with attendance and should budget accordingly for items such as transport, travel insurance, and other expenses. More budget information will be made available in closer to the conference.

Will any additional subsidies be made available to delegates?

Pending partnerships with other organisations, some additional subsidies may become available to delegates subject to confirmation by the CAUSINDY committee.


What is CAUSINDY? Who is behind it?

CAUSINDY is the Conference for Australian and Indonesian Youth. It’s a bilateral youth conference, which will bring 30 representatives from Australia and Indonesia to Jakarta from the 14th to the 17th of September.

Delegates will take part in informed discussions on relevant issues in the Australia-Indonesia relationship, with ‘concrete’ policy outcomes at the end which will be put forward to government and business.

CAUSINDY was founded by a group of early career professionals, working with the Australia-Indonesia Youth Association. Read more about the team, our advisory board, and the conference itself.

Why should I apply?

CAUSINDY will bring together high-profile academics, experts, and commentators to discuss developments in Australia and Indonesia. Besides access to some of the foremost experts in the field, you’ll have the opportunity to meet like-minded young people with a keen interest in the bilateral relationship.

Unlike other events, we’re bringing together delegates who are experts in their field: discussions will be informed, and will have ‘concrete’ outcomes, which will be put forward to government and business. We’ve already secured agreements with two of Australia’s leading Asia-related think tanks, with more announcements to come.

The conference program will include social events, including a tour of the local area, a gala dinner, and networking events with our sponsors, including leading figures in business, government, and academia.

For young people interested in the Australia-Indonesia relationship, there’s no better opportunity to demonstrate – and inform – your engagement with the bilateral relationship.

Other questions

Help! My question isn’t answered here.

If you’ve got more detailed questions or feedback about the conference, just send an email to CAUSINDY’s communications coordinator Tim Graham, at tim.graham@causindy.org.

Last updated July 7, 2014